Missing In Action

Hey Babes!

Lately, there has been a steady decline in the amount of blogs I have published and it’s mainly due to a total lack of inspiration. My brain is empty. My bank account is empty and I have no photos to dump on you from my unintentional sabbatical.

I even recently took a week off from work, which was initially supposed to be used for a vacation, but man plans and God laughs. Anyway, I thought I’d use that time to stockpile blog posts for the coming weeks and guess what, I didn’t do that. I didn’t do any of that. But, I did get my eyebrows waxed, so that’s a small victory I suppose.

July was a rough fucking month for me. I’ll tell ya how I’m doing, NOT WELL BITCH. It’s easy to complain or commiserate about insignificant petty shit, but it also feels ignorant when I know that people in my life have had a much worse month than me. And that’s called perspective, but it’s also called invalidating my own experiences and feelings. Getchu a girl that can do both. Bloop!

I guess I’m writing this post, because I’m still here, I just have nothing of note to say. I even turned down the opportunity to play photoshoot with my mom, because it’s way too fucking hot and getting dressed seems like a major chore.

That’s literally all she wrote.

