Emerald Waves

Hey Babes!

This past June, I was finally able to shoot with my friend Shiloh, who is a professional photographer. I met her through work and a while ago, she contacted me about modeling in an emerald green themed creative photoshoot. I have seen her work before and I was more than excited about her offer. I mean, think of the content.

Even though I was flattered at the proposal and excited for the shoot, I was also pretty nervous. Going into the shoot, I had never worked with a professional photographer before. Sure, I’ve had “professional” pictures done for school and sports, but never for my own personal use. I’m not very good at relinquishing control and I usually prefer to be behind the camera.

Despite posting pictures of myself on Instagram or on this blog, I am a nitpicking perfectionist and I have had plenty of breakdowns while playing photoshoot due to my own insecurities. But, I had faith in Shiloh. She even sent me a questionnaire to fill out, so I was able to let her know ahead of time which areas of my body I didn’t want to emphasize and which features I favored.

Prior to the shoot, Shiloh discussed everything with me, from outfits to mood boards on Pinterest. She made sure I was comfortable and prepared. In June, we ventured out to Sea Bright, New Jersey and below are a few of the photos Shiloh shared with me. They are incredible, if I do say so myself. If you’re in need of a photographer, I would definitely recommend Shiloh Leath Photography!

Dresses - SheIn

Makeup - Me

Hair - My Mom / Salty Ocean Air

Photographer- Shiloh Leath

