Spice Up Your Life

Hey Babes! 

One of my favorite past times is baking treats for my family, especially during the fall and winter. Who wants to bake in the summer when it’s already hot as fuck outside? No thanks! Truthfully, I’m not an expert or even remotely advanced at cooking or baking. I mean I literally use a fork to mix my boxed cake mix together, but it is such a relaxing activity for me and usually my creations taste pretty good. On Sunday, I made my family spiced cupcakes that I decorated to look like pumpkins and here are the results! 


While I bake, I always have something playing wether it’s a movie, a podcast or music. This time is for me and I kick everyone out of the kitchen including the dog! On Sunday, I watched some vintage episodes of the Real Housewives of New Jersey. 


I followed the directions on the box, but instead of vegetable oil, I used melted butter because I was all out of oil. I also heard that you have to be careful not to add in the hot butter with your eggs because they’ll scramble, so I made sure to let it cool first. 


A little DIY hack for the cheap homemade baker is to use ziplock or plastic bags to help you “pipe” the icing onto the dessert. I think most people have heard of this trick, but incase you haven’t, I would recommend it. I added a little sprinkle of cinnamon on top of some of the cupcakes because I wanted the pumpkins to have a rustic or realistic feel. 


Do you babes enjoy baking?! If so, what are your favorite treats to make for fall? 

