Krispie Hearts

Hey Babes! 

I don’t know if you know this about me, but I am addicted to Rice Krispie Treats. They were my favorite after school or lunch time snack when I was younger and as an adult I could devour a box in one sitting. I am unhinged around them. Absolutely no control. 

So, like any rational bitch with an addiction, I decided to make my own. I followed the recipe from Jenn Segal’s website, and I will have it linked here for you babes to follow if you want to! (And you should, because these are truly the best ever Rice Krispie Treats!)

I will say, that making Rice Krispies is a two person job! My mom served as my sous chef because I was physically unable to pour the warm krispies from the pot into a baking dish on my own. Thank God for her! 

To make these treats Valentine’s Day themed, I coated the marshmallow treats with red and white sprinkles and then used cookie cutters to shape them into hearts. 

Let me know if you babes enjoyed this post and if you try this recipe yourself. 

